The Cherry plum tree (species name: Prunus cerasifera) is a small tree in the plum family native to Europe and Asia. It is also planted outside of its native range as an ornamental tree that is prized for its brightly colored blossoms in spring and its purple-reddish leaves. The fruit is a 2-3cm drupe that it edible. The size and color of the "cherry plums" makes them easily confusable with cherries (thus the name). The dark leaf color ....Vacation Rental Long Beach WA ...
A few days ago, in the rain which we never take for granted after the last two years of desert-dry, we planted an Escarpment Black Cherry tree, (Prunus serotina var. eximia), a native to the Edwards Plateau in Central Texas and the Rio ...
A few days ago, in the rain which we never take for granted after the last two years of desert-dry, we planted an Escarpment Black Cherry tree, (Prunus serotina var. eximia), a native to the Edwards Plateau in Central Texas and the Rio ...